Classes for Adults
We offer various classes to enhance a parent's confidence and help them play through the challenges of parenting. We offer attachment style courses, effective play, discipline strategies, and so much more! These classes are great for all types of families- traditional, blended, adoptive, foster, multi-generational. We ensure classes are inclusive, culturally sensitive, and rooted in science and research! But mostly we want to HAVE FUN and CONNECT! Sign up is required for classes.
Available Classes
Nurturing Journey
12 sessions of Nurturing Parenting Program developed by Dr. Stephen Bavolek. An overview of nurturing parenting techniques that focus on empathy as the foundation. Appropriate for everyone.
$ 840 or $70 each session
Self -Awareness Journey
Completion of a one-on-one consultation about parenting style, beliefs, adult attachment, and challenges with their own children. Various assessments are administered and include, but are not limited to, the Adult Adolescent Parenting Index (AAPI), Edinburgh Depression Scale, NSCS, PARTI. Written feedback will be provided.
Attachment Journey
8 sessions of Circle of Security parenting. An overview of attachment and child exploration that focuses on our "shark music" to help us grow. Appropriate for everyone, but especially effective for parents with children under 5yo.
$ 840 or $105 each session
Connection Journey
9 sessions of Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) developed by Dr. Purvis and Dr. Cross. An overview of parenting techniques that focus on Connection & Attachment. Appropriate for everyone, but especially effective for Adoptive & Foster Parents.
$ 1260 or $140 each session
Nurturing Package
Pre-Assessment & Post Assessment (Interview, ACE, & AAPI). Twelve 1-hour sessions, tailored based on results of the AAPI & reason for referral. Includes 5 coached supervised visits.
Attachment Package
Pre-Assessment & Post Assessment (Interview & ACE), 8 sessions of Circle of Security Parenting- 2 hours each, and 5 Coached Supervised Visits.
Connection Package
Pre-Assessment & Post Assessment (Interview & ACE). 8 sessions of Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®)- 2 Hrs each, 8 Hrs In Home Coaching using TBRI® Caregiver Package.
TBRI In Home Coaching
In Home Coaching to assist with practicing and implementing Trust Based Relational Intervention Caregiver Package strategies.
$80/ hour
Coached Supervised Visits
Real time coaching of parenting techniques while parents interact with their children to model and strengthen academic concepts. Ideal for families with high risk, dependency cases, or involved with child welfare services. Can be completed on site, public location, or in home when appropriate. Written visit feedback will be provided.
$80/ hour
Therapeutic Visitation
Licensed Clinical Professionals intervene and engage with the family to address an identified issue or obstacle. Therapeutic Visitation is understood to be more of a family treatment model utilizing interventions similar to family therapy.
$100/ hr
Mental Wellness
Events for parents focused on mental wellness that reaches beyond traditional medicine. Events will include aromatherapy practitioners, reiki energy healing, sound baths, and other similar activities.
$25/ event
Supervised Visits
A safety monitor for visitation between children and adults. Ideal for families with low risk or involved with family law. Can be completed on site, public location, or in home. Written visit summary will be provided.
$60/ hour
Cooperating Through Divorce for Children
A course designed to allow children ages 6-17 to discuss any concerns about a pending divorce and learn strategies to manage difficult feelings that may accompany. Group is divided by age.
$25/ child
Cooperating through Divorce
This program helps divorcing parents shield their children from parental conflict. Through 4 sessions parents learn to guide their children through the process while establishing a positive, long-term, cooperative relationship with the other parent.
$50/ 4 week course
Support Groups
Various support groups & events for people to participate in with others who have had similar experiences, feelings, and to develop support networks.
FREE but donations are welcomed
Group Nurturing Parenting
12 Group sessions of Nurturing Parenting Program for participants to attend in person or virtual.
$600/ 12 week course
Newborn Touch Training
One 4- hour session to learn ways to soothe your child through touch, promote healthy brain development, and attachment. Parents will learn ways to read their child's cues, swaddle, and comfort their child. Perfect for expectant parents or parents of newborns.
New Parent Classes
Preparation for parenthood begins now! We have fun and exciting new parent classes for moms to be and dads to be. Topics covered include basic baby care, what to expect during delivery, postpartum, and how to advocate for your needs.
Luxury Baby Concierge
We offer referrals and support for all things maternity and baby! We can connect parents to be with doulas, maternity wear, nursery planning, educational services, and offer nonstop support through pregnancy, parenthood, and more. Any of our services and classes can be completed in the privacy of your home. Call to schedule an in home consultation.
Independent Lifeskills
12 sessions to increase an individual's ability to live independently. Individuals work together with a Mentor to create a tailored program to best meet their needs based on the results of the Casey Lifeskills Assessment.
$840 or $70 each session
Special Events
Throughout the year we host special events to bring parents together. From holiday events, networking events, brunch, to parties and sooooo much MORE! Sign up to receive our monthly emails to be first to know about these fun events.
Parent Testimonials
"Thank you again for the tips on Addie. She's doing amazing with her speech. She has moments when she still wants to point instead of use her words, but only when she is tired, and we are quickly able to get her to use her words."
-Addie's Mom